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Assessment and Cross-References of the EntreComp with ESCO and EQF

Leveraging on the EntreComp framework to boost and empower entrepreneurial education

The ECI Partnership finalised a very detailed cross-reference analysis among the EntreComp Framework, ESCO (the classification of European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupation) and the EQF (European Qualifications Framework); a bond that the literature review – finalised during the development of the National Reports – proved to be highly consistent but still tangibly missing and not fully exploited.

The ultimate objective of this desk assessment is to establish an initial and operational connection between the EntreComp framework and the other two, allowing partners to operationalise a new model – the ECI model, ready for publication at the end of July 2021 – for entrepreneurship valorisation and mainstreaming of entrepreneurial spirits across the VET dimension.

Each of the 6 competences selected by the partnership has been reconducted to a specific dimension, field and theoretical/operational setting of both ESCO and EQF, highlighting the different compliances by degree of consistency. We evaluated this degree by balancing each ESCO and EQF unit to the main and defining traits of each considered EntreComp competence as described by the same EU Joint Research Centre. The results of this assessment can be found under the "Model" section of this very same website. All partners proceeded to disseminate the results with relevant stakeholders and public authorities in the domain of education, training and entrepreneurship operating in their national domains.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site and its contents reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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