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What do we offer

Develop creative and purposeful ideas

Ethical and sustainable thinking
Assess the consequences & impact of ideas, opportunities and actions

Self-awareness and self-efficacy
Believe in yourself and keep developing

Mobilizing others
Inspire, enthuse and get others on board

Taking the initiative
Go for it

Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity & risk
Make decisions dealing with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk

Latest News

03 January 2022

Navigating the EntreComp ecosystem: A journey longer than a decade…

Introducing the EntreComp Framework In 2016, the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission – in partnership with DG Employment and Social Affairs and Inclusion – published EntreComp: The European Competences Framework.

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01 November 2021

ECI’s fifth transnational project meeting: Brainstorming on the ways ahead

Users of ECI’s training material can combine the two resources to provide their targets evidence-based and innovation-lead training offer capable of inspiring and valorising a renewed sense of self-awareness and efficacy, initiative and motivation among EU aspiring entrepreneurs and citizens.

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18 September 2021

The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework: Valorising entrepreneurial spirits and sense of initiative of EU citizens

In 2016, the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission – in partnership with DG Employment and Social Affairs and Inclusion – published EntreComp: The European Competences Framework. The framework consists of 15 key competences that professionals in the domain of entrepreneurial teaching and training recognised as instrumental to facilitate, nurture and support the emergence of entrepreneurial spirits, sense of initiatives and professional empowerment among EU citizens.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site and its contents reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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