The internationally operating consultancy firm d-ialogo has been successfully operating for 15 years. We are focussing on demographic change, change management of SME and workability of staff.
• d-ialogo was founded by Hans-Jürgen Dorr, an economist with interest in the development of entrepreneurs and the development of companies in cooperation with the staff.
• Clients include SMEs, especially in the manufacturing industries, German National and State Ministries, municipalities, insurance companies, trade and industry confederations and others.
• Mr Dorr himself has worked extensively on Equal and Adapt projects (financed by the European Commission).
• He is one of the leading experts around demographic change in Germany.
• d-ialogo assists institutions in the development and implementation of qualifications and trainings through state of the art technologies, methodologies and learning solutions. One focus tackles the issue of curriculum writing, foremost the entire development of the Demografie-Lotsen and Workability trainings, on behalf of the German government.
• Experiences- an overview:
- Work within the sector of SME since more than 30 years.
- Experiences within the development of questionnaires in different aspects with the focus for SME
- Research activities to identify the power of change of SME
- Research activities in the area of workability
-Within the last 3 years realization of developing processes in 15 German companies ( change in combination with IT technologies)
- Development of tools for SME to identify their needs of qualification
- Development and realization of web training courses in the field of workability
- Expert in training (during the last 10 years the owner of d-ialogo trained more than 500 consultants and trainers in the changement of SME with the special focus an demographical changement
- Expert in project management (training courses for managers of intercultural projects) – 10 courses in 2018/ 10 courses in 2019
• Projects: - financed by german government or EU
- Arbeitszeitbox – Praxishilfen für die Arbeitszeitgestaltung (Toolbox for new concepts of daily working time) - Demografieberatung Österreich (Consultancy in the field of demographic change in Austria)
- ZOPP - Zielorientierte Projektplanung (Project management )
- AKKu – Arbeitsfähigkeit in Klein- und Kleinstunternehmen (KuKu) durch multimedial angepasste Tools regeln (Tools for implementing the workability idea into the very small companies)
- AMiR Altersmanagement im Rettungsdienst – den Herausforderungen des demografischen Wandels wirkungsvoll begegnen (Age management in the emergency service)
- Zukunftswerkstatt Handwerk – Leistungspotenzial älterer Arbeitnehmer/innen identifizieren, mobilisieren und multiplizieren (Designing the future for craft industry)
- oPera – optimale Personalarbeit in KMU in Zeiten des demografischen Wandels (Strategic human ressource development)
- Qualitätssicherung in der Demografie-Beratung (Quality assurance in the demographic consultancy work)
- Demografie-Wissen kompakt: Qualifizierung zum Demografie-Lotsen (Qualification for internal and external consultants in the sector of demographic change)
- Inkas_mark: Innovationsfähigkeit von KMU in einer alternden Gesellschaft stärken (Improving the innovation power in SME)
- Altersgerechte Qualifizierung in Unternehmen und Arbeitswelt (AQUA_mark) (New kind of designing qualification- age oriented)
- Qualidemo: Entwicklung eines regionalen Netzwerkes zur Initiierung und Organisation zwischenbetrieblicher Qualifizierung unter Einbeziehung innovativer Ansätze zur Bewältigung des demografischen Wandels im Bergischen Städtedreieck (New concepts for qualification by building a network of companies)
- Aufbau von Business Ressource Centern in Ägypten- MEDA Projekt Cairo (Development of Business Ressource Centers in Egypt)