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EEO GROUP is a private management consulting firm providing consulting services, conducting studies, developing new technology applications and providing services in the area of human resources, with a twenty-years-presence in Greece and abroad. EEO GROUP aims at providing specific expertise for covering the needs in EU funds management in the public and private sectors, in planning, managing and evaluating development programmes at national and EU level, as well as in the area of human resources and new technologies.
The company provides a wide range of integrated consulting services to the public and private sectors in the following areas:
•Education and lifelong learning: educational reform, policy analysis, strategic planning, lifelong learning, institution building and training
•Labour markets and Employment Promotion: employment promotion, gender issues, diversity management, youth in the labour market, active employment measures, etc.
•Human Resources development: institution and capacity building of the public sector in the fields of labour, employment, VET and health sector
•Public administration reform: training, functional reviews, streamlining administrative procedures, strategic planning in the public sector, e-governance
•Socioeconomic development: local and regional development planning, agri-tourism programmes, SME development, competitiveness and entrepreneurship, policy analysis
•Management and evaluation of EU programmes (ERDF, ESF, Europe Aid, EU Initiatives, etc.)EEO Group has been implementing EU Funded projects since 1995.In the framework of these projects, EEO Group has contributed toresearch of the current status in the VET and adult education in Greece, apprenticeship schemes, the development and implementation of training activities, IT instruments, quality assurance as well as dissemination activities through the organisation of workshops, conference and various other events aimed at the dissemination of the results of these projects. EEO Group has led workpackages in Research; Quality assurance; Training and Piloting with great success

Website: https://www.eeogroup.gr/

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site and its contents reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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